Lee nos propone realizar un cuento a partir del ejemplo

1st. level
Watch Lee´s video and aswer to these questions:
what animal can you see in the video?
Who can you see in the video?
Draw the family of the video and write their names below.
2nd. level

3rd. level

4th. level
Watch Lee’s video. Then create a comic using these three question words: who? Where? What? as you could see in Lee’s story. Make a picture and send it to your teacher.
5th. level
 Enjoy Lee’s video and  make a new story.
 Firstly, prepare a plan answering the questions: Who story is about? Where the story happens? What happens in the story?
 Then write your story using the answers in the plan (around 50 words), and a tittle.
 Finally, draw a picture to illustrate your story. Send a picture to your teacher  
6th. level
Watch Lee’s video and invent a story. Max. 50 words. Remember to follow the structure: WHO, WHERE and WHAT
Write it in your workbook with a picture. Send a picture to your teacher through email.


Lee nos habla sobre dos de los deportes que más se practican en EEUU

1st. level
Watch Lee’s video and answer to these questions: Yes, I can/  No, I can’t.
Can you run?
Can you catch the ball?
Can you hit the ball?
Can you jump?
2nd. level
Watch Lee’s video and answer to these questions:
1.      Which two sports are presented in the video?
 2.   What kind of people can play football?
 3.   What happens when the ball gets to the endzone?
 4.   What is name of the baseball field?
 5.   When (seasons) is baseball played?

3rd. level
Watch Lee’s video and write true (T) or False (F)
        The two most popular sports in  the U.S.A are baseball and basketball…………
        Many people play baseball and football in the U. S. A…………….
        To play football you have to be able to throw the ball, catch the ball and jump very high……….
        Football is played in a square field……...
        Children can’t play these sports …………..
        Baseball is played in spring and summer……..
        The bat is used in American´s football………..
        Baseball is played in a grass field called baseball diamond……...
4th. level
After watching the video, search on the internet and answer these questions in your notebook.  Send it to your teacher through email
        Which sport is more popular in the USA?
        Which sport is older?
        How many players are there in baseball?
        And in American football?
        What sport do children play the most?
        Which sport do you prefer? Why?
5th. level
 Watch Lee's video  guess and write differences between  both sports,  Baseball Vs American football  eg. origins, playing fields, equipment, match duration,    rules …  SEND IT TO TEACHER, PLZ!
6th. level
Watch Lee’s video and complete the power point choosing one of the sports: Baseball or American Football.
LINK to the power point. Download in your computer
 Send it to your teacher through email


Lee nos habla y deletrea palabras sobre el tema “The Food”

1st. level
Dibuja una Macedonia de frutas y di el nombre de las frutas que has dibujado.
2nd. level

Di el nombre de las frutas que aparecen en el video y añade otras tres más.
3rd. level

Watch Lee’s video and classify these ingredients into: Proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals or fat. Send this activity to your teacher.
4th. level
Watch Lee’s video and create a domino game with the vocabulary about food  that you can see in the video. Then play with the game with your family and send a recording to your teacher.
5th. level

Watch Lee’s video and create a ‘Healthy Food Poster’ with a catchy slogan. Then send a picture or a recording to your teacher.

6th. level

Watch Lee’s video and make a video o some photos explaining an easy recipe. Send it to your teacher.

1st. level
Alphabet with words
Colección de diapositivas con palabras y dibujos para repasar el abecedario en inglés.

Aprende nombres de comidas en inglés a través de la música, practica diciendo las palabras de la A a la Z: apples, bread, cake….

2nd. level
Sports words sentences
Aprende nombres de diferentes deportes a través de frases.

3rd. level
Short Story - Jack and the Giant Beanstalk
Cuento: Jack y las habichuelas mágicas

4th. level
Parts of a story – simple
Aprender a escribir una historia: las distintas partes, personajes, lugares…

5th. level
Renewable vs Non-Renewable
Recursos renovables y no renovables. Aprende a diferenciarlos.

6th. level
History – Famous US Landmarks
The Statue of Liberty
La Estatua de la Libertad es famosa en todo el mundo como símbolo de libertad, pero ¿cómo llegó hasta dónde está? ¿qué conoces sobre su historia?

The Golden Gate Bridge
 Cuando se construyó era el puente colgante suspendido más largo del mundo, ¿te apetece conocer algo más sobre este puente de California?

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